The Who will perform acoustically on December 13th at London’s St. Luke’s Church in London. All proceeds from the show will benefit Nordoff Robbins and the music therapies it supplies to challenged children. Addition performers will be announced soon.
Pete Townshend said in a press release:
Christmas is a magical time and we’re so pleased to be sharing some of our favorite songs and festive music at this year’s Nordoff Robbins Carol Service. Nordoff Robbins really can help people to break through barriers with music, so even the most physically or mentally isolated can connect with others and realize their true potential. We know from our lifelong experience making music that where words fail, music speaks — and that’s why Nordoff Robbins’ work is so important to us.
Roger Daltrey added:
What Nordoff Robbins does with music makes such a positive change to people’s lives – which is why we’re supporting them at this very special Christmas service. Music is our shared language and is incredibly powerful, and music therapy can reconnect people who may otherwise feel isolated or disconnected from the world – whether a young person with autism, a person living with dementia or somebody rebuilding their lives after an accident.
The recent acoustic Who shows have featured Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey backed by a scaled-back band. Townshend, who has played a few promotional gigs acoustically with only him and Daltrey — feels a full duo show would throw their respective comfort zones off track: “We do often feel like half a band. I kind of resist the idea of being. . . this sounds horrible, but it’s the only way I can describe it; I kind of resist the idea of being Roger’s accompanist. Alternatively, I’m sure he would resist the idea of being my straight man. Do you know what I mean? If we ever did a Bruce Springsteen-type show, for example, where we played music and we talked about our story, we would both definitely get laughs — but I might get them most.”