Sting has taken to social media platforms to post a message of support to the people of the Ukraine along a new version of his 1985 Cold War ballad “Russians,” performed acoustically with noted cellist Ramiro Belgardt.
Sting explained why he felt the need to revisit the song, which he believed represented a darker era of decades past: “I’ve only rarely sung this song in the many years since it was written, because I never thought it would be relevant again. But, in the light of one man’s bloody and woefully misguided decision to invade a peaceful, unthreatening neighbor, the song is, once again, a plea for our common humanity. For the brave Ukrainians fighting against this brutal tyranny and also the many Russians who are protesting this outrage despite the threat of arrest and imprisonment — We, all of us, love our children. Stop the war.”
Sting next performs on March 24th in Le Grand-Quevilly, France.