New bronze statues of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are set to be erected this April in their hometown of Dartford, England, according to the BBC. Both Rolling Stones co-founders attended Wentworth Primary School in Dartford, with Jagger going on to study at Dartford Grammar. The pair reconnected in 1961 on a platform at Dartford Train Station.
Dartford Borough Council leader Jeremy Kite explained, “We want to demonstrate that people can come from a very small town like Dartford and go out and change the world. The town has a really good relationship with them. I think people are going to love it.”
Sculptor Amy Goodman added: “Out of the blue I was shortlisted. There was no particular remit. I thought their music is their love, their passion. So I thought them actually performing, the chemistry of them on stage — I thought that’s how I wanted it.”
Although Jagger and Richards were casual friends as schoolboys — Keith Richards admitted it was only in their teens with a shared love of rock and blues that they truly became “brothers”: “We used to live very close, y’know, so we used to meet in a little corner of the block, a little place to play and that’s where we’d, y’know, ‘Hi Mick,’ Hi Keith.’ We re-met — I was heavily into exactly the same thing that Mick was into.”