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Strangely, 2022 is kicking off with a feud between Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder and Mötley Crüe bassist Nikki Sixx. Rolling Stone reported the trouble started when durting a chat with The New York Times, Eddie Vedder recalled working at a San Diego venue back in the 1980’s when glam metal was at its peak. Vedder remembered, “I’d end up being at shows that I wouldn’t have chosen to go to — bands that monopolized late-’80s MTV. The metal bands that — I’m trying to be nice — I despised. ‘Girls, Girls, Girls’ and Mötley Crüe: F*** you. I hated it. I hated how it made the fellas look. I hated how it made the women look. It felt so vacuous.”
Although Vedder gave props to Guns N’ Roses for injecting “some teeth” into the L.A. rock scene in and around the Sunset Strip, he couldn’t help but namecheck Crüe drummer Tommy Lee‘s ex-wife Heather Locklear by saying, “One thing that I appreciated was that in Seattle and the alternative crowd, the girls could wear their combat boots and sweaters, and their hair looked like Cat Power‘s and not Heather Locklear’s — nothing against her. They weren’t selling themselves short. They could have an opinion and be respected. I think that’s a change that lasted.”
That was enough to set Nikki Sixx off who tweeted: “Made me laugh today reading how much the singer in Pearl Jam hated Motley Crue. Now considering that they’re one of the most boring bands in history it’s kind of a compliment isn’t it?#TheStadiumTour #RocknRoll”
Sixx went on to comment on a fan’s tweet by comparing Eddie Vedder’s vocal delivery as having “marbles in your mouth” and slammed Peral Jam and its legions of fans by posting, “Remember there were zillions of brown haired bands for brown haired fans. . . Go find them. You will know them by the bored look on their face.”