Mick Jagger was photographed in the studio with pop star Dua Lipa. Lipa posted on her Instagram account several shots including a couple of Polaroids of her and Mick placed on the studio’s mixing console. Dua Lipa is no starnger to teaming up with rock legends having scored a hit with her Elton John collaboration, “Cold Heart (Pnau remix).”
There’s been no word whether the Jagger track will be used as a duet with Lipa, a solo Jagger release — or possibly a collaboration for the next Rolling Stones album.
We recently asked Mick Jagger, who’s always in tune to the pulse of popular music, what’s he’s currently listening to: [“Uh, I listen to a lot of stuff, y’know, I go out. . . and went out and bought some. . . see what was in the store the other day. I bought some new records. I listen to some jazz and things like that. I mean, I listen to a bit of everything, to be honest. I’ve been in India I listened to a lot of Hindi dance music (laughs). It’s kind of popular in England, y’know?”] SOUNDCUE (:20 OC: . . . in England y’know)