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Dave Grohl revealed that none of the Foo Fighters expected their new movie Studio 666 to come out as professionally as it did. Grohl spoke to Rock Cellar and admitted, “Originally, none of us imagined we were going to make a full-length feature film. We thought, in true Foo Fighters fashion, it would just be some low-budget run-and-gun thing, maybe a longform video that would make people laugh, y’know? But we made the mistake of hiring the most talented people in town to make the film. (Director) BJ (McDonnell) is a legitimate badass, he’s worked on some really, really amazing films. And Tony Gardner did the special effects. I mean, that guy, he’s full f***ing Hollywood legend. And then the entire crew. . . I think we were surrounded by a like-minded group of people that were there just to f***ing have a good time.”
After acting in his videos and directing his various documentary projects, Dave Grohl was asked how it felt to be directed as an actor in a major motion picture: “It’s very, very different. And different process, too, I mean, like, if we’re doing a documentary, when I sit down to interview someone, they say ‘action,’ and I just have a conversation, I very rarely hold questions. And I’m learning as much as the viewer as I’m doing this. With the film, oh my god, there’s so much, like, hurry up and wait, and the prosthetics and makeup and the scripts, and the take after take. A very, very different process, but both really fun.”
He went on to explain, “These are things that. . . we wouldn’t do these things if they weren’t enjoyable to the band. We don’t do anything unless it’s enjoyable for the band.”
Foo Fighters perform on Friday (March 4th) in Geelong, Australia at GMHBA Stadium.